Ing. Matěj Velický Ph.D.
Senior Scientist, Department of Electrochemical Materials
Email: matej.velicky@jh-inst.cas.cz
Tel: 420266053755
Room: 434
micro-/nano-scale spectroelectrochemistry, interrogation of 2D material/substrate interactions, tuneable devices for electrochemical energy storage
2D materials, electrochemistry, Raman spectroscopy
Running Projects
- 2022 - 2026 Tunable Electrochemistry of Two-Dimensional Semiconductors
- 2017 - 2020 Stimuli-responsiveTwo-Dimensional Materials for Renewable Energy
- 2020 - present Senior Scientist, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
- 2017 - 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow, Cornell University (USA) and University of Manchester (UK)
- 2016 - 2017 Research Fellow, Queen’s University Belfast (UK)
- 2012 - 2016 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, University of Manchester (UK)
- 2011 - 2012 Knowledge Transfer Associate, University of Manchester (UK)
- 2007 - 2011 PhD in Chemistry, University of Manchester (UK)
- 2006 - 2007 Research Assistant, Nuclear Research Institute Řež (Czech Republic)
- 2001 - 2007 Master’s degree in Nuclear Chemistry, Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic).
- 2021 Lumina Quaruntur Award (CAS)
- 2017 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship (EC)
- 2017 Young Investigator Award (ACS)
- 2016 PCCP Poster Prize (ECS)
Selected publications
- Velický M., Electrolyte versus Dielectric Gating of Two-Dimensional Materials. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 2021, 21803-21809
- Brunet Cabré, M., Paiva, A. E., Velický, M., Colavita, P. E., McKelvey, K., Electrochemical kinetics as a function of transition metal dichalcogenide thickness. Electrochimica Acta 393, 2021, 139027
- Paz, W.S.; Menezes M.G.; Batista N.N., Sanchez-Santolino G., Velický, M.; Varela M.; Capaz R.B., Palacios J.J., Franckeite as an Exfoliable Naturally Occuring Topological Insulator. Nano Letters 21, 2021, 7781-7788
- Velický M., Rodriguez A., Bouša M., Krayev A.V., Vondráček M., Honolka J., Ahmadi M., Donnelly G.E, Huang F., Abruña H.D., Novoselov K.S. and Frank O., Strain and Charge Doping Fingerprints of the Strong Interaction between Monolayer MoS2 and Gold. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 2020, 6112-6118
- Velický M., Hu S., Woods C.R., Tóth P.S., Zólyomi V., Geim A.K., Abruña H.D., Novoselov K.S. and Dryfe R.A.W., Electron Tunneling through Boron Nitride Confirms Marcus-Hush Theory Predictions for Ultramicroelectrodes. ACS Nano 14, 2020, 993-1002
- Velický M., Toth P.S., Woods C.R., Novoselov K.S. and Dryfe R.A.W., Electrochemistry of the Basal versus Edge Plane of Graphite Revisited. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 2019, 11677-11685
- Velický M., Donnelly G.E., Hendren W.R., McFarland S., Scullion D., DeBenedetti W.J.I., Calinao Correa G, Han Y., Wain A.J., Hines M.A., Muller D.A, Novoselov K.S., Abruña H.D, Bowman R.M., Santos E.J.G. and Huang F., Mechanism of Gold-Assisted Exfoliation of Centimeter-Sized Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers. ACS Nano 12, 2018, 10463-10472
- Velický M., Toth P.S., Rakowski A.M., Rooney A.P., Kozikov A., Woods C.R., Mishchenko A., Fumagalli L., Yin J., Zólyomi V., Georgiou T., Haigh S.J., Novoselov K.S. and Dryfe, R.A.W., Exfoliation of Natural van der Waals Heterostructures to a Single Unit Cell Thickness. Nature Communications 8, 2017, 14410
- Velický M., Bissett M.A., Woods C.R., Toth P.S., Georgiou T., Kinloch I.A., Novoselov K.S. and Dryfe R.A.W., Photoelectrochemistry of Pristine Mono- and Few-Layer MoS2. Nano Letters 16, 2016, 2023-2032