Javier Varillas, Ph.D
Email: javier.varillas@jh-inst.cas.cz
Tel: 420266053446
Room: 536
Studying deformation states of 2D materials and heterostructures made of TMDC membranes and graphene by means of atomistic simulations using reactive bond-order potentials.
Molecular dynamics simulations, statistical mechanics, data analysis.
- 2005-2011. Sc. in Civil Engineering. Polytechnic School of Zamora, University of Salamanca, Spain.
- 2012-2014. Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering. School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain.
- 2014. Research assistant. Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Barcelona. Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy.
- 2015-2019. Doctorate degree in the Faculty of Mechanics. New Technologies Research Center at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic (supervisor: Prof. Jorge Alcalá).
- 2019 – Institute of Thermomechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Ultrasonic Methods (supervisor: Dr. Hanuš Seiner)
- 2020 – Nanocarbon group, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Post-doctoral fellow, Spectroscopy of two-dimensional heterostructures (supervisor: Dr. Martin Kalbáč)
Selected publications
- J. Varillas, G. Ciccotti, J. Alcalá, and L. Rondoni. Jarzynski equality on work and free energy: Crystal indentation as a case study. Journal of Chemical Physics (2022).
- J. Varillas, J. Očenášek, J. Torner, and J. Alcalá. Understanding imprint formation, plastic instabilities and hardness evolutions in FCC, BCC and HCP metal surfaces. Acta Materialia (2021).
- J. Varillas and O. Frank. Wrinkle Development in Graphene Sheets with Patterned Nano-protrusions: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Carbon (2021).
- Alcalá, J. Očenášek, J. Varillas, J. El-Awady, J. M. Wheeler, and J. Michler. Statistics of dislocation avalanches in FCC and BCC metals: dislocation mechanisms and mean swept distances across microsample sizes and temperatures. Scientific Reports (2020).
- J. Varillas, J. Očenášek, J. Torner, and J. Alcalá. Unraveling deformation mechanisms around FCC and BCC nanocontacts through slip trace and pileup topography analyses. Acta Materialia (2017).