Mgr. Jaroslava Řáhová
PhD Student, Department of Electrochemical Materials
Email: jaroslava.rahova@jh-inst.cas.cz
Tel: 420266053407
Room: 519
Manipulation of the (opto)electronic structure of 2D materials by external perturbations (deformation, charge doping etc.)
Materials for energy storage and conversion
Raman spectroscopy, AFM
- 2017 - present JHINST - Department of Electrochemical Materials; PhD. student
- 2017 - present Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague; PhD. student
- 2010 - 2017 Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague; undergraduate student
Selected publications
- Androulidakis Ch., Koukaras E.N., Řáhova J., Sampathkumar K., Parthenios J., Papagelis K., Frank O. and Galiotis C. Wrinkled few-layer graphenes as highly efficient load bearers. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (31), pp 26593–26601 (2017)
- del Corro E., Pena-Álvarez M., Moralez-Garcia A., Bouša M., Řáhova J., Kavan L., Kalbáč M. and Frank O.. Strain engineering of the electronic structure of 2D materials. Nanocon - conference proceedings (2015)
- Hájková Z., Fejfar A., Řáhová J., Frank O.. Pokusy s tuhou. BIOLOGIE-CHEMIE-ZEMĚPIS 24(1), 19-25 (2015).